Tears run down my face as I scroll through my news feed seeing married couples celebrating Valentine's day. I am engulfed in sadness today not because I have no special someone to celebrate the day with, but because I knew in my heart that my parents will never be like that. If you'll ask me if divorce should be legalized in the Philippines, then yes. While it contradicts my religious belief, nothing is more afflictive than seeing your parents be constraint in a marriage where love, the most vital element in a relationship, is no longer present. I grew up being exposed only to the downsides of love. As young as I was, I even reached a point wherein I had this belief that love was nothing but an illusion. My parents' shattered marriage adversely affected my life. So, to the future "us", our future kids can't choose their parents, but we can; hence, we must think thoroughly if the person we're choosing to walk down the aisle with is "the right one" – someone you'll never grew tired of regardless of the consequences it entails. Anyways, it still is a happy Valentine's day. With or without someone to spend the day with, know that you are still loved.