The rain goes on and on Am standing on the shore calling into the unknown for who and what I can't say. Oh what wretched blaspheming sack of wine. I concur it's to and fro from a Beast's behind Cometh this day a tickle, a laugh, a point, a blade. You sir have chosen your grave. A duel it is my old friend you showed me to parry when my defence was weakened. Shrewd as the days can be long you had me pied piper to your sing along. I have what is left of your republic and am closing in. You dropped bombs like bin and still got packed in. 10 years too soon or too late Sarah conner said it best there is no fate but what we make. Greed the layer cake of treachery Selectively, you showed your sign of density to pendulum swing the fundamentals you instilled in yourself Hope your happy , remember health is wealth .