Every Choice You Make.

story by: Kat Sapphire
Written on Apr 18, 2015

In every life, someone or something will make a difference. 
A lot of us may not notice it because we are so caught up 
in what we think is important, but we never really take the 
time to appreciate the things right in front of us. 

There is so much pain in the world and so many people 
are hurting and they let themselves hurt because sometimes 
pain is our only friend and it’s sad that some people think that. 
They never had that one person there to make it all better, 
to tell them that everything is going to be okay, 
to hold them at night and make them feel safe. 
No, those people sit alone at night, thinking that 
the razor will give them an escape, or shooting up with 
drugs will help them numb the pain, or drinking will take 
away the memories that they wish they could forget. 

Those people never got the chance to experience true happiness, 
or sometimes they are so caught up in their own sorrow that they missed 
their chance of finding happiness, because someone told them that 
they are no good, so they believe that and they take it to heart and 
start making bad choices and ruining their lives, sometimes beyond irreversible damage. 
But sometimes, in that miserable time in that person’s life, they find it. 
That little spark of light that lets them know that everything 
is going to be alright. 
That one song that takes all the bad things away. 
That one poem that reminds them of happier days, that one 
picture that expresses things in a better light. 
Those are the things that help us get through this cruel and 
dark place that we call home. 

Some people are afraid to get out into the world 
because they think it’s going to be bad and that life will never be okay for them. 
Well guess what? The truth is, the real world sucks, 
but sometimes when our hearts get broken or we fall down and 
get hurt and feel like nothing can save us. 
We run away from our problems and that’s not going to fix anything. 
No matter how much you run, every problem you have is eventually 
going to catch up to you and bite you in the ass, but sometimes you 
just have to stay strong, suck it up, and deal with it. 
Brush it off, rip off the band aid, because not everyone is going to 
be there to tell you the truth. If you have a problem, 
the only one who can fix it and make things better, is you. 

If you get hurt because you got into an argument with 
someone or you just don’t like a person for who they are, 
just remember, money, greed, power and all those other things, 
are not important if you don’t have family. 
You have to learn to enjoy the little things in life. 
You only have one life, so don’t take advantage of the things that come so easily. 
If you do, one day you will regret it. 
There’s a quote that I once heard, 
“Regret makes you old and bitterness poisons the people around you.” 

Don’t sulk in the past and wonder “What if?” “What if I had done something different?” 
You will be there, sitting in you own misery, 
while the rest of the world goes on without you. 
Live you life. Take risks and take chances, 
because it’s the only life you've got. 
So make sure you enjoy every minute of it and make it count. 
Do something with your life that means something. 
Get into art, make music, write poems, stories, 
or even a book, play a sport, just as long as you are happy. 
You have to love yourself and make sure you are happy, 
before you go and try to love someone else and make them happy. 

The hardest thing to do is lose your self, 
because once you do, it feels almost impossible to get back who you once were. 
Sometimes we like to wish that we were someone else, 
because sometimes it’s tough being yourself. 
It’s okay to wish that once in a while, but you should be proud of who you are. 
You may not know it now, but every choice you make, is changing your future right now. 




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