I Can't ask the Bear

poem by: Antoinette Pringle
Written on Feb 24, 2020

I can't ask the bear because he doesn't care
Outrageous story on how He got there.
I once heard a story about the beginning
 of time that Man could be animals in body and mind.
It also told of a man who has the power
to control his form, I believe He also invented 
The horn,  The horn can represent many
Things such as Satyrs Devils and Shedims
I heard another story that demons die
And can never Understand things no 
matter how hard they try.  All I know 
Is when I use the horn it is a trumpet
Of Glory to God Evening and Morn
The horn of the shepherdess who 
Prays forever in the arms of love stays.



Tags: Deep, Weird, Imagery, Faith, Rhyme,

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David MaxOptimism commented on Mar 27, 2020 at 10:27am
Nice rhythmical flow, an enjoyable read.


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