"Mr Happy, and Mr Angry, lived strangely side by side, they shared the same earthly body...like Dr Jekyll, and Mr Hyde. Every now, and then it would start with a tremor, and a slight nervy twitch, suddenly Mr Angry would appear, like a flick of a faulty switch. Swearing at all, and anything, and cruelly kicking the poor old cat, then he'd be back as Mr Happy...just like that! Jealousy would often consume him, when in a rage he'd attack! Then always apologise profusely, as Mr Happy suddenly came back. His evil mood swings, went on for all of his miserable life, everyone felt really sorry for his long poor suffering wife. Until one fateful day, she couldn't take it anymore, Mrs Angry clubbed him on the head so hard!....HE FELL STONE DEAD, MOTIONLESS ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR! So calmly....seemingly in a trance, she cleaned up the bloodied place, Mrs Happy then put on her coat, and left...with a smug smile upon her contented face."