Can You Find The Rascal Mind

poem by: AiR - Atman in Ravi
Written on Dec 12, 2018

My mind is king; I thought it is everything!

It makes me blink; it makes me think
It gives me joy until I die
The only problem with my mind… Where it is, I cannot find!

It is my memory; it is my mind

It is my intellect - one of a kind
My greatest treasure is my mind
The only problem with my mind…
Where it is, I cannot find!

The body I can see; the body I can find

Likewise I am sure; I have a mind
It is not yours; I know it is mine
The only problem with my mind…
Where it is, I cannot find!

Suddenly, I realize these are not my mind…

My intellect and my memory are of a different kind My mind is a monkey; a rascal my mind

The only problem with my mind… Where it is I, cannot find!

I then resolved to kill my mind

The rascal I vowed, I must grind
It made me worry; it made me fear
Enough my dear, no more tear
The only problem with my mind…
Where it is, I cannot find!

I made my intellect rule my mind

I shot down thoughts of a monkey kind
I wanted joy and peace of mind
No more my king, my rascal mind
I realized then there was no mind…
It was a rascal! No need to find!


Tags: Love, Happy,


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