Letting go. Hands down one of the most difficult things to do. Letting go is like choosing to release the float in the depths of the ocean with hopes of the afterlife being better. Letting go is the knot in your stomach that makes its way to your chest, feeling as though oxygen were no longer present. Its what flows through your veins like nectar of a toxic flower, paralyzing every muscle in your body. Letting go feels like stepping in a boiling bath before checking the temperature. Letting ho is crippling, anxiety inducing, paralyzing, yet... Somehow empowering. Letting go is making a decision your own. Its taking a helpless situation and giving oneself power over it. Letting go is losing everything, to gain some peace. Though letting go is terrifying, its sink or be eaten. Let go of the raft and die peacefully, or stay a hold and be mauled by monsters.