ODE TO OUR DEVIOUS, MULTI-FACETED, SANGUINE-PRONE GOVERNMENT "VAMPIRES" (A soliloquy on the "figurative "demise" of nonsensical, insatiable " Public Servants"(?) whoever they might be) By: Phyllis Minnitte-Bilbo SIRS/MADAMS: In your approach to wrenching monies, I feel you’re not too wise; For what’s to keep future, harassed victims from executing your "demise"? So, Judicious payments to satisfy your legislatively mandated wars, fees, taxes, licenses, codes, programs, "Sequestrations," acts, executive acts, etc., (call them what you may), is not enough, you say? Decidedly, “Your Imposing Highnesses,†our points-of-view have placed us, (i.e., constituents and self-proclaimed "public servants") both at bay. Granted, You all have duties wherein your obligations lie. Your thing: To conjure-up/pass questionable laws that, of late, tear from the bone the flesh we, your captives, seek to divide. Yes, Divide! Administer piecemeal among our respective: Butchers, Bakers, Candlestick Makers; Physicians, Opticians, greedy ′Lectricians; Hospital, Insurance, et al., Company Tacticians; Haberdashers; Purveyors to men, women, children, pets, et-cet. YOUR INTENT? Is it to further enhance your, of late, disjointed/questionable/odious/deleterious "CZAR" and/or "CZARINA" conflagrations, without the blessing/benefit of constitutionally-mandated representation/deliberations? Are solely we/not THEE mandated to: Stretch our woefully shrunken dollars! Make our deals! Resort to chicanery! STOP SHORT OF THE STEAL!? Further, Are our destinations (and those of our progeny) to be determined by tortuous laws and determinations as evoked by all-too-Machiavellian-like Hitler/Stalin/ Mao/Mussolini/Et. al., machinations? CARRY ON! LEGISLATE! SPEND AS AIMLESSLY-ON AS IT SUITS YOU, our bold-and-fearless Blood-loves! Press your respective lucks! Garrote and bludgeon your, ordinarily, "sitting duck" quarry into more than the "Law of Diminishing Returns," Commonsense, Our Constitution will allow! GORMANDIZE! "DASH OUR HOPES AGAINST THE ROCKS OF DESPAIR;" HOWEVER, Consider yourselves lucky, Messrs. and Mesdames Love-bloods, were we (the wary, weary, woebegone victims of your extortionary ways—unable to abound) to decide: ‘Twould be a far better world without those extricators-of-blood around!" HOW? BY LITERALLY VOTING YOU (OUR self- and party-styled, devil-may-care/ professed "public servants" [a misnomer if there ever were one, for, in reality, who, truly, serves whom?]) SOUNDLY, OUT OF OFFICE! WHERE? AT THE POLLS WHEN? EACH TIME ELECTIONS ROLL AROUND! WHY? In hopes of garnering steadfast "STATESMEN/WOMEN (i.e., unified, truth-seeking LOGISTICIANS) who think in terms of the betterment of this and the next generation, rather than as calculating, self- and party-serving ‘POLITICIANS,’ who, think, solely, in terms of THE NEXT ELECTION!"—A far cry from "the world (of politics) I (a quasi-nonagenarian) used to know!" Meanwhile, how to meet that residual need of stretching that residual dollar, making that deal, resorting to chicanery, stopping short of the steal!? Alas, too late! Our proverbial savings-buckets have too many holes in them! HOW NOW to satisfy the voracious, enduring, blood-thirsty appetites of the "Powers-that-be" and perhaps "Powers-that-will-be" that they, our quad (federal, state, county, municipal) government representatives (i.e., self-proclaimed “public servantsâ€), can continue their respective, limitless tax-and-spend machinations/contrivations. HOW NOW…!?