"As I slowly walked through the building, of people in care, I was approached by an old lady, with pure silver hair, "Hello love," I heard myself say, and in a clear polite voice, she asked, "is it Thursday today?" ...."No love, it's only Tuesday," I did quietly reply, and as I looked at her more closely, I'm sure there was a tear in her eye. I was there doing maintenance, just fixing an old door, the handle was broken, I'd never been here before, then along came the old lady, she asked once again..."is it Thursday today?" My polite answer was the same. She shuffled along the corridor, as if she had somewhere urgent to be, then stopped, and turned, and shuffled slowly back towards me, once again she asked, with a lost look on her face, "is it Thursday today?" I don't want to stay in this place." Then along came a nice carer, to guide her away, "it's ok mate, she asks that all day,"..."don't bother the man Margaret, come with me, we'll go and sit down, with a nice cup of tea."....I've felt so sorry for that old lady, for many years, I must say, and I can still hear her asking......"is it Thursday today?"