"Back in the 60s, our feelings were mutual, when each other we saw, we'd never, ever felt this way for anyone else before. As she looked out of her bedroom window, I was a fantasy to her, and I'd also took notice of the mysterious girl, with the lovely dark brown hair. To her friends, I was her boyfriend, even though we'd never shared a word, I was so desperate to meet her, after all, she didn't know that I cared, but I needed to get closer, just to look at her beautiful face, eventually plucking up the courage, slowly I entered her space. My interest was obvious, something I tried to disguise, I wasn't disappointed, I fell for her beautiful blue eyes, in no time at all, I would see her again... this strange feeling inside me, was something I just couldn't explain. Now I know that it was love, and after a lifetime together, that's the way it will be....Frank, and Mary...Forever."