I remember when I use to compose poetry with paper and pen in hand. I had an older electric typewriter, but it also retired. Devices such as typewriters, DVR's and even lap top computers have an expiration date. Mother and I used to share our love of poetry. In these days of the 21st century, I spend the vast majority of my free time watching reruns on the television. I have been busily typing away the main portions of this day. Certain people may claim I am merely wasting valuable time. But I am asking you? What else should a frustrated poet and creative writer such as me do? I remember when I spent a lot of money on postage stamps submitting hand writing poetry. Thankfully most of it I failed to mail. I guess snail mail was breaking the family's bank account. Now I compose poetry mainly to please myself. I am also grateful to the poets on Pondrin for taking the time to submit awesome poetry online. I can remember thinking I could benefit financially from my poetry. When I finally woke up winning the Pulitzer for poetry. Do not even remember bygone days bitter sweet memories! What caused me to wake up and smell the poetic roses? Quite frankly. Reading and commenting on other more talented poet's poetry! I was awarded one bronze ribbon and some honorable mentions. Some of the hosts on All Poetry even liked my poetry. I finally just gave up, the competition was just too much! I still promise to recommend their poetry site. It is good one to submit poetry on. I used to brag about being awarded Honorable mention on poetry poem, but they rapidly grew tired of it. I have come to the conclusion, life and poetry are not a popularity contest! Life may not be a bowl of cherries but it is alright. I no longer brag about my poetry, I have learned my bitter lesson the hard way! My poetry is nothing to brag about! Honesty is the best policy. Roxanne Lea Dubarry aka Roxy 54/ October Country August 04, 2017