Traditionally a Scribe is known as a Jewish man. He was actually a transcriber. The religious leaders dictated holy words and traditions. He very carefully preserved them throughout the generations of time. Such Biblical writings were actually inspired by the third person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. He is an actual person, not a mere ghost. I can assure you I did not joke. He is more than a spirit, he is a real person. What does it have to do with me? I sometimes refer to myself as a scribe. But only when composing Christian inspirational short stories or poetry. The Holy Spirit tries to whisper in my inner ear, the proper words to say. Needless to say, I much too often fail to both trust and obey. He wants me to convey the message of my beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Frequently he desires me to retell my own spiritual journey. How if Jesus is able to love even me, he is able to love the rest of humanity. Love in Christ Jesus! Roxanne Lea Dubarry aka Roxy 54/ October Country July 14, 2017