"This wonderful little island of ours,people once called it Great, But now it's starting to submerge, because it's getting so overweight! Thousands of immigrants are flooding our shore, it seems like the whole world is invited, surely now it's the time to at least halfclose the door, There has to be a limit, to the amount of people we can take, everyone can see our NHS is struggling, for goodness sake! We are now known as "a soft touch," from their homelands they eagerly flee, many thousands here haven't paid taxes, unlike you and me. Christians, and Muslims, honestly....will the two cultures ever "blend,"? So by mixing the different cultures together, is it a new beginning, I really hope it's not the end. I'm truly not being racist, please you have to believe me, I'm just so proud to be English!.......millions of my compatriots agree. So England, reach out for our Emblem, ...no it's not just a Red, and White rag! Hoist it up high on our Saint George's day......be proud of England's Great Flag."