"It is better to light a single candle than curse the darkness." Fearful darkness surrounds this world filled with hatred and pain. It is far too easy to cast stones, and blame the world around us. We need to light candles of hope and faith. Perfect love casts out all fear. The pathways we should choose are crystal clear. The time of his rapture is drawing increasingly near. "Because of iniquity shall abound in the world, the love of many will wax cold." This is not the time to be timid, but bold. The age of grace is about to close. Please do not wait, and thereby seal your fate. We are the light and the salt of the world. The forces of evil and hatred are becoming united. We need to cast our differences aside. By letting the LORD Jesus Christ become our mediator and our guide. Only by following in his footsteps shall mankind survive! "The light of the world is Jesus!" Love in Christ Jesus! Roxanne Lea Dubarry aka Roxy54/ October Country October 7, 2016