the day I woke up and open my eyes and what I saw I wont denie it was something amazing sitting in my eye I sat astonished from what I could see in my eyes and angel laid at my side at night when I have her open them eyes it is like all the stars in the sky light up just for us I know it may sound corny or just lies apon a night but when I say it was like fire light up to never burn out even if you got bad luck nothing can turn you back what such good love an angel was most definitely sent from heaven the best one they have that would be most expensive I am the luckiest man that can ever walk to get to talk never to regret or make that mistake from making her take her last name one day it will be me saying I do to you it will be my pleasure to be here with you I go to work to looking forward to coming back home most wouldn't dare most say they are not happy with there life when they did that to them self on there own might I add they did that so bad they can say that about there so called love must be mad never should say anything sad that is your wife you cant be mad you said I do to that I never regret any decision I made to her I would be there for her i never stop to say i didn't want it to be she is mine I would fight for her evermore that I would never lie no matter the blood shed I would do even more never stop trying to make her laugh never to cry in time never to be anywhere but at my side in my heart I cant denie always constant on my mind would you please always be my wife she says yes I wouldn't want anything else I cant lie I want to be your wife' always to be at your side cuddled with only you at night my hubby is always at my side she's the best of all friends she is the best of all that pretends its the realest you'll ever get so don't take her for granted or it is your dreams you never seek only just be defeat all things would come crashing down before your feet never to get a bit of sleep she is all you will need or want so just take a seat she will always be willing to rub your feet always want to listen to your defeat never to pretend to listen to you in a day love you always anyway that is what she is to me everyday i will never let her go today or any day of the week you mise well not look cause she is not to take i will always love her no matter what i love you please never be someone to take with out you my heart would faint