God's gift

poem by: Rene Hernandez
Written on May 10, 2013

A moment of peace, walking with a beauty.
So strong and loyal,  her energy is soothing.

Thank you Father, for this wonderful gift.
With her unconditional love, I feel my spirit lift.

She has no words for me, only strength and healing.
Walking with her calms me, no matter how I'm feeling.

With my spirit in pain, and my smile for show;
She walks beside me, wherever I go.

Loving strong spirit, so comforting to me.
Without words she says, "It will get better you'll see."

I can't help but smile, watching her run and play.
It makes me so happy, even on a bad day.

Words cannot describe, what she means to me.
More than just my pet, forever she'll be.


Tags: love, faith, pain,

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peace jolayemi commented:
amazing heart clenching
Mushobozi Baitani commented:
you have a way of brngng out emotions, and very unpredictable, first it thought you were talking about your mum, then i'm like, no..its her daughter, only to find out i'm wrong..this was fun as much as it was emotional.. :)
Purple Couch commented:
This is a wonderful poem. This is the type of poetry we are looking for for our next publication. if you are interested in having this poem published please check out our future projects. http://www.purplecouchpublishing.com/#!future-projects/utwgq
Christopher Russon commented:
Roxanne Dubarry commented:
You are grateful to GOD for his precious gift to you--your best friend--your loving pet!
Christopher Russon commented on Mar 02, 2019 at 10:25pm
Spiritually inspiring write



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