I Am Not The Rain

poem by: Samantha Johnson
Written on May 12, 2015

I am not the debt that you dread to pay
I am not the rain that spoils your sunny day
I am not the guilt that you claim to feel 
I am not the pot you think so unreal
I am not the alcohol that gives you such a kick
I am not the porn star brunette with big tits
I am not the headaches that come from lack of food
I am not the bad day that feeds your filthy mood
I am not the secrets that you try to hide
I am not the failure cause YOU never tried
I am not the money tattooed on your soul
I am not the monster that needs to be controlled
I am not the anger that makes you up and leave
I am not the greed on which you love to feed
I am not the prize in your selfish little game
I am not the rubbish bin to fill with all your blame
I am not the reason you were put here on the earth
I am not the cause of your bitterness and hurt
I am not the message you can’t be fucked to send
I am not the one who ends up lonely in the end.


Tags: anger,

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John Doe commented on Oct 09, 2020 at 1:49pm
Wow. Good for you! Seems like you have had a good think about this. Fueling into something useful


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