My hands or as leather, with deep lines and scars I give God the glory. for within these rough and tattered hands there is a special story. These hands, have worked with wood and in the cotton mills the hands once held my little babies and weathered through the storms of life. My left hand once wore a Golden band the day I became a wife These hands have pulled weeds and hoed until they bled these hands have held my babies and patted their little heads. These hands carried heavy rocks to fill a road with holes thes hands have toted laundry to the line many time to hang up clothes. These hands are still strong and always did their best though tough as saddle leather they have passed every test. Oh these hands are working hands , these hands have held little hands too these hands have had their trials but stronger for them its true So before you turn away from these old and tough, rough wrinkled hands there is a story that came from glory it's mine, Understand?