THE BATTLE OF AMERICA’S FAT CATS Common sense a Nation on the edge. Campaign promises erected a wedge. Defiant Donald Trump keeping it real. The buck stops here! And says all beware. Comprehend! Hard times in the neighborhood. Amigo’s waste not, want not! What a bad mood. Trimming out America’s fat cat cries of memoir. Two Once they sat upon their lofty cushy job, for say. Resultant hearty mob of no-goofers au-revoir. Once spanning the globe they travel in style. Judgement day! To say they police themselves. Money was no object no budget was needed. It’s a government-wasted aberrancy! Weed-out. Deviation hear their cries! From North to South. Three Strength and vigilance! That’s what it took is needed. Donald is quite the sensation darn new ranger in town. Pay as you earn! A work’s man hire is no pig in a pork. That’s no joke comprehend! Big shots are now dead broke. Hook Like a fish out of water, wondering that’ the matter. A reality struck home! All must atone for its pruning time. Adios Muchachos! This train has the disappearing work blues. Timeless Poetry Series vol 10 the work blues Kenvil Atkins Lewis/poet Redemption poetry.