GOOD MORNING AMERICA VIVA SENIOR DONALD. Good morning America! How are you, Let Loose the Lion? And so it is written! that the stone the builder refused. Donald has become the cornerstone of this great nation. His face is a picture of strength! Donald has called for unity. Across the board! Rise and trod, you favored one and all. The yoke placed upon African Americans! has been loosened. Dedication to Democratic values they served without distinction. Behold a brighter future awaits! A step towards final restitution. No surprise here that America! I always wanted Donald Trump. His reign will be strong and resilient! You must know that he cares. Final victory! Again America has put on a new armor, called courage. Stand up people proud people! And be counted, do you hear the music? America you got it right! People will unite no need fussing or fighting. Donald is the same you crown him again! Your work would not be in vain. And so it can be told! By young and old they all made America great again. IntoThe Mist Poetry Volume 9. Good Morning America Kenvil Atkins Lewis poet for Timeless Poetry and Short Stories