poem by: Kenvil Atkins
Written on Aug 09, 2024

Donald is failing fast outclass and outdated
Soon to become a lame duck.
But wait! Put him in the spotlight, with a debate
What has he got to lose he sucks.
The Republican party has now become inmates
Weighing down by a deadbeat.
What the hell! are they debating for, the ingrates?
Just to put a felon at their door?
Quit stalling for more, and throw him out the door.
America the party of Ronald Regain is no more, 
With this outdated old tug-of-war.
The audacity of failed policy, by pompous screw Boors
Just think vote Republican no more.
Just a bunch of ragamuffins, fighting a war of roses selah.
Where there is no future at all.
Two shrewd characters are auditing for a role as Dufus.
And all the extras shout amen!
You see your dilemma, following running  with lame limas
Just two dumbos loose and playing politics.
Both failed! now hitching a ride, on the democrat express
Why debate such second-class?
Republicans have become, like the blind men of Hindustan!
A travesty most lost and probably never to be found.

Into The Mist Poetry Vol 9 
Kenvil Atkins Lewis for Timeless Poetry / Kenvil Poetry Oasis


Tags: Depressing, Confused, Imagery, Weird,


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