"I was good at lying in my world of secrets, and self pretence, because living with my shame of an adopted name, to me it all made good sense. So whenever the lads would talk about their dads, I'd make my excuse, and go, I couldn't relate, to having a dad as a mate, so I didn't really want to know. I just lived with my secret, got on with my life, and pretended that all was well, pretend I was happy, keep a smile on my face, and hope that nobody could tell. I loved being out, were I could just run about, and enjoy my freedom outside, better than being indoors, living by laws, where I'd stay in my room and hide. But I knew that one day, it wouldn't always be this way, somehow it will all come to an end, I imagined what the future would bring, and how I'd do my own thing, then no more would I have to pretend."