The son says I am not God but his son The father says to him I am well, please The son says when you pray Pray to the Father like this our father The father says in the end I will send my son The son says I am going back to the father The conversation between father and son The son never claims to be the father The father never claims to be the son Why make him God just to forget the father Jehovah is God and only he holds that title Jesus is the son of God oh yes he knows Abraham call him Lord sometimes Almighty God Moses refers to him as my God to his people The prophets worship him he calls out to Samuel He made David the king and told Noah to build an arc He punish Pharaoh and took his people from bondage Strengthen Samson to destroy with a jawbone Parted the red sea his people paid no fee And I could go on forever more but what for you see For he is seldom spoken of well he is still God must be Mankind all but abandon him they don’t want him back Thinking It is easier to fool Jesus and that’s a fact For if they can crucify him then what the use jack So let us make him God no one else will dispute that So when we screw up at that he will take the blame Jehovah God rules and that it’s a fact and I am all for that