Sherry Asbury
I can really connect with this, as a person growing older. You express your thoughts well.
Cecilia Crasto
It's all a learning process starting with the fleeting innocence of youth and ending like your last verse does...brilliant.
Christopher Russon
Great lyricks I feel like singing along with you.I can relate.
Ja Ja
We learn as we grow
And we reap what we sow
Thank you
Anna Tate
Good poem
Ja Ja
As we grow older we get wise
Which is for us the real price
Cacho Nuts
Beautiful poem.I will never understand this world.
Geoffrey Brewer
So the world is all bad. Do you play any part in it? Or just complain.
Baron Decker
Thank you everyone for your comments! Geoffrey Brewer, your comment is interesting in that these are some of the very questions which I hope people will ask themselves as they encounter the lyrics. I do not want to share my perspective upon the questions too much, as I find that to weaken the impact of the piece. However I will give brief responses. In terms of your first inquiry upon the nature of the world I am ever the optimist, always attempting to find the good in everything and everyone. For your second question, do I play a part in it, my response is "there is no one who is righteous, not even one" (Romans 3:10). And finally unto the inquiry upon complaining. The use of the word complain is inappropriate for this context. Complaining in this sense that you used it contains a connotation of childlike dissatisfaction. This is piece is better noted as a lament, looking at the detrimental events which plague the world and lamenting over their occurrence and subsequently what they do to the human psyche. I would be interested to see what your answers are to the questions you posed to me in light of these lyrics. Please do share your thoughts.
Matthew Girard
keep writing. your work is beautiful.
Geoffrey Brewer
I think that my protest is against lumping all people and things together as 'The World' with most of your implications being that it is bad. I consider that there are some very good people about in spite of St. Paul's opinions; and on the whole I am glad to live here.
Jamal Abboud
so beautiful.I liked the flow of ideas to their goal smoothly.