story by: Durlabh Singh
Written on Apr 10, 2013

The countryside is pleasant, even lush green and this has added a dimension of friendliness towards the onlooker. The road is running near an airport and the aeroplanes are hovering above like big birds  and then swooping out of from the skies encroached by multi shaped clouds

 Sometime the road enters a more natural phase of a wilderness and cloud formations take more of a sublime role turning themselves into a composition of lights and shades, which cast a diffused glow across the landscape. One could paint it incorporating a picture of old masters in some metaphysical mood.

Field of mustard are turned themselves in to a yellow carpet of intensity here spreading on the planes and there climbing a hilly slope which is topped by a line of black cattle- a fine composition of black and yellow, very impressive in its composition.

 People are slumped over their seats, mostly fast asleep, unaware of the richness outside- oblivious to all that and safe in their logical minds aware of their destination point only. They always travel from point A, of their journey’s start and point B to the end of the journey. Their utilitarian mind will not allow anything else to be observed falling beyond those categories.

 Soon the coach will reach its destination and people will be glad to be spared of that entire vacant, boring journey.

Durlabh Singh© 2013.


Tags: encouraging, imagery,

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Robert Kohlhammer commented:
nice and descriptive, feeling the field of mustard.


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