As the year turns in our twenty fifteen, Wonders before us as yet to be seen, Tutors they rush, for a stage to be set, All items bought, and requirements met. In our hallowed halls a magical scene is made, All preparation done and the year forward displayed. Now set our minds to purpose, give strength we do pray, Let mind be made of sponge, and will to solid clay. As the year turns, together united in purpose, Growing in strength and power to minds surface. Remember these words, when road seem too rough, With might and with strength unified, never too tough. Lunar mother, guides us and teach us, the mysteries beheld, Horned Father, walk with us, show us your magick spelled. As the shadow of night passes, a new dawn we will see, Blessings for the year, as we will it so shall it be.. Andy Wilden 20-01-15