So much that we as a people have not known and yet God’s mercy abounds Are there aliens living among us why do we quarrel and fight to please us The beauty of the celestial and the glow of the terrestrial we want so to touch Living among us and crossing our paths seen only at the corner of our eyes We swim all our lives in a liquid bath of refreshing vapor we call the air The barren emptiness surrounds our utmost wants and dislike do not ask why God is always here there and everywhere until twilight time comes near All glory be to the one true God you will know him by his radiance so fair Why sorrow about tomorrow facing the hardship of life the grave is the goal When God calls his jewels, home was surely spoken by the soul of story untold John was there at Patmos he fares said he saw riotous taken its time to awaken To believe you not forsaken the journey that was spoken there you need no token The time is now your bondage is free there are no noose to tight to be loose Fear not your assentation it was mentioned you should skip the horrific dissension Believing you are immune to God judgement is futile this the hour of your recession So much we as a people have, we not known and yet we will all stand before his throne Kenvil Atkins for Pwindaykye Poems Raw Energy Timeless poems And the book was open Scorpion sting tormented them, but they would not die neither will the rocks save them.