One needs to stimulate at any age Wonderful when you find someone on the same page For they have journeyed other paths with lessons to contemplate This a reason to listen, learn and above all associate Life is a challenge to embrace belief in one's own truth And to consider how we can justify our existence with proof Today is the best time to consider friend’s opinions and influence Especially when they have loved, lost and won again through persistence How rewarding it is to embrace spirits that share your confidence and love For we are the panacea for tomorrow's woes that won't be solved from above So, let's not forget the importance of our partners significance And respect them for their understanding and endurance For they are the inspiration and justification to continue To look for and embrace the ever-supportive clue We are the force to consider tomorrows purpose and ambition As we are the seed of yesterdays will to grow with good intention. So, to you beautiful souls thank you for helping me hope and scheme And inspiring me to know how to win, and to live the dream... WRM 26/6/17