While waiting and watching for Everett's Para transit bus, a friend sat down next to me, glad I was reading a book of poetry. "I am waiting for my ride," said I. "You don't have to tell me your life's story." "You are so right, I don't have to." I apparently had the last word in our brief conversation. I let him see, I was going to continue reading my little book of famous classical poetry. I glanced and smiled at him. He glanced and smiled at me. Not one word was said. He got up and walked away. I did not tell, "I will see you later." Most likely I will see my friend again. And then I will not tell him I am waiting for a ride. You can see why should I even bore him? He doesn't need to ever know, my boring life's story. Love as always! Roxanne Lea Dubarry aka: Roxy 54/ October Country