I will step into the madness for a bit to see if what I'm hearing is told in block letters and to hear it told again to watch and wait for glassess to be filled and then-emptied for chairs to be sat on and then left cigarettes smoked and then put out it seams so merky here a kinda haze clothes all seam to fit though the shoes worn in the right way words fly through the air like breathing is normal everything life like right?I look across to the other side for sense or sanity the other side of the road if you will I see a library and apartments in front of the backdrop of grey clouds and a rainbow I'm gonna drink some more beer gonna continue sitting I understand nothing that hasn't be understood I sit alone waiting for a friend in the company of cheap beer and wishful thinking my breath is the same my body pumping blood around the clock and the day is coming to a close I know my here had arrived along time ago I know because I am here I hear my thoughts racing across the keyboard I see everything and wonder why? My stillness has been interfered with and it's not because I was singing to loud cause the song was not a singing song it was spoken word written my distraction took me by surprise and there where I found myself staring back at myself was a pleasantry we are present we are and if the noise be too loud to hear then that be the reason for our existence that be the doing of our undoing for we are madness.