I know this can be deemed out of date with the rulings some years back now, but, let’s call it an animal version of ‘Lest we forget’. Smeg'ead O'Mulligan, from any old Town, He owned a rottweiler, big ugly and brown. The dogs name was Cuddles, but he was quite a sinner, for when in the park, had 6 poodles for dinner. The yelps and the squealing were beyond all endurance Soon all that was left was the Poodle’s insurance. Jasper Le Fontenay, some kind of Toff, Went hunting with pals, the horn blew, they were off The yelps and the squealing were quite past the pale Soon all that was left was the poor fox’s tail On Monday morning, at the Magistrate sessions, Judge Jasper would very soon be handing out lessons “Never in my days, have I seen such a disgrace’ said Jasper to Smeg'ead, right into his face Come Sunday next, young Smeg'ead’s in jail While Jasper and cronies quaff down their ale And very soon after the horn blew again 'Such a fine day, for us sporting men!’. But am I a champion for young Smeg'ead’s cause? Not at all my dear friends, and so let us pause. Old Orwell told all to all sisters and brothers That some men are indeed, more equal than others…