..meet me at the corner leave the keys in the car turn the lights on change the bulb walk in a straight line around the bend answer with a sigh and then you can blow out someone else's candles,he also said if you pay with a 20 dollar bill your bound for change tune in to the wind blowing from the east for the west has been won already try holding your breath in air stand on one leg trace your body shape to the place of your birth and if you dont get what he Is saying don't have your ticket clipped it will only mean your abscence watch for the signs they come in all shapes and poems and the rain when it falls run put your hands together before tieing your shoe lace read only what is highlighted in red cause all the other colors have been over used oh also only when the trumpets sound are you alowed to question him and you best be on time cause if your not well you'll hear it. Wait not for 5minutes but before winding your watch back keep showing your teeth the crowd will applause lastly pray.