forever friends in life's paths we tread until we venture on in years afore us in futures recon I recommend this product to you to help you in struggles that you pursue. in a life that by the Lord we're given by the paths we tread on his earth we're we abide by laws & rules of mankind made or trust in our own intuitions by the life we are played. does it matter to fiend or foe if we truly care for one another in loves unconditional bonds to grow. is this true that we must abide be true & be trusting of a world to us before & unbeknown to the thereafter in deaths encrusting. submitted to be able to offer another life love & compassion the ability to give & receive the feelings of undrlying passion. so why is there cruelty & why do enemy's be the troublesome characteristics in life's paths of cause & misery. why not give us the book of laws to abiding this worldly existence in life's destined fates we ride. well I don't know what answers lie so I'll be trusting of lessons taught before deaths final goodbye . to an existing fate no one can know what lies ahead I'll abide by my reasons of minds intuitions that in life's years i'm led .