I'm at a loss in my life I've been hurt too many times. I've paid a higher price than most as the devil & I have danced alongsidr his sins of crimes. despicable was hos torture upon me pained torrential rains in downpours on me have rained. but I will not give up I will not give in to the dance of Satan I've danced along & in his sins been pained. I'll fight until I regain my faith in the humanity of life. & then defeat his very purposely posed threats that of past had caused me bitter strife. I'll cut his cords to the rope he ties around my neck he ties a noose bit ill untie the binds that he has made in my victory I'll gain the win & cut him loose. it may be haRd & it may be a struggle but I must compete with all my given strength if I'm to Victor over all his odds & cut hos rope to the minimal of lengths.