I turn my head in vain ignorance to what has become of us To ignore what is so plainly there would be thus... I cannot condone our own conduct heretofore If humanity's own virtue should not restore Hatred, vile contempt within itself Slowly decays as it sits upon a shelf A shelf that is complacency with our own malevolence But thought and love and hope and benevolence Should replace the foreground of our collective conscience Or there be retribution by one of divine omniscience... Believe what you will, but tempt me not With the hate and evil within, your vile rot I be as I am to live however I may choose Slander you breathe, with an eternity to lose I pity the snake that bites the poison you bleed But you may as well be unaware of such evil deeds For my own life puts your undeath to the lie Live as the dead, and you may as well die!