In search of the vows to honour when destiny takes me into tomorrow, Perhaps, God has chosen that ultimate hour, for angels to take up my spirit and follow. Former life defines the new consecration, I hear the taunting voice in my innate choice, conscience accusation to quell further devotion doubt renders incline to sabotage my service. Welcome hymns sang within retrieve conscience divine melodies changed my perspective on life, my dancing shoes move with burning experience joy compel from heaven steps to take off strife. The clamp inside moved away from stowaway zone Change pride into an epiphany of a miracle. Revealed the voice I heard was not my own, it was unexpected, compelling, inspiring angel. Struck with an epiphany upon holy ground Stand in awe under the shadow of a crown, with faith to believe the feelings I had found, spoke in a dream not with the tongues I own. But innocent Infant days ended ritual traditions finding striking realisation the meaning of time, twelve years wasted, thinking about illusions conclusions celebrate these lucky days of mine. An epiphany spirit descending sprinkling entry, beautiful enhancement carolling through the door, a star browsing over homes with love and mercy Aspects of hope with unlimited scope to explore.