
poem by: Roxanne Dubarry
Written on Jun 08, 2013

Oh! Heavenly angels
watch over me while I
sleep, and, "The Lord
my soul does keep."
Angels watch over me
during the day,
and fold their hands
whenever they humbly pray.

Whenever I am busy composing
Christian inspirational poetry,
they read it aloud with me.
Whenever I praise the
Lord in joyful song,
the heavenly chorus 
sings along with me
in perfect harmony.

And whenever my life on
earth is over and done,
an angel of the Lord
will escort me into
the presence of Jesus
Christ, God's only begotten
Son. Whole new chapters
in my eternal life,
"have only just begun."

Love in Christ Jesus!
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
Revised version:
June 08,2013


Tags: inspirational, happy, faith, inspirational, encouraging, happy, love, inspirational, imagery, wishful, happy, love, inspirational, imagery, wishful,

Add Comment

Tina Martin commented:
Very beautiful
Trevor Cartwright commented:
Beautiful poem! Your poetry always inspires me. I love how you say "perfect harmony." Too many moderns church choirs never seem to sing in least the ones that I have seen lol.
anne schulz commented:
That's beautiful.
Christopher Russon commented:
Lovely poem.
Frank Hornby . commented:
Nice poem...


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