poem by: Kenvil Atkins
Written on Jan 22, 2025

Simplicity is a thing too simple to understand! But not for Joe Biden.
Three cheers! and a happy hurrah for the old-thinking ex-president.
His kinfolks save from the edge of the sword! One stroke from Biden's pen.
A pardon here a pardon there! And if you think, yes, he is the warden fair.
History will judge his simple act! Coming in from the cold, as robust and bold. 
Imagine For it seems that our man Biden! had discovered simplicity as he ages.
The element of surprise behooves the nation! Just as Biden turns the pages.
Charity begins at home! Just as pardons drop like rain, and there is no shame.
Compare if you dare! The difference between President Pardons, versus Biden Act.
Good old Joe Biden has given the Nation food for thought! Butter for fat that’s a fact.
In life's great arena! The voyage is not always fair, but beware some make it there.
The hand that rocks the cradle! It has its privilege, so let it be with Joe Biden.
The cabaret casts of characters! Will soon have their say, in coming out of hiding.
A little too early much too late! These curtains have come down, and the play is done.
I dare say Biden has won this round for sure! Viva El Presidente, you secure what is dear.

Into the Mist Volume 9 of Kenvil Poetry Oasis.
Poet Kenvil for K.P.O. Poetries.


Tags: Hope, Pain, Faith, Love, Happy,


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