poem by: Kenvil Atkins
Written on Jul 18, 2024

I would like to say I told you so, woe is me but both have to go
The ballet box will tell your story you proud citizen of America 
The majority counts scientism Trump's views are like the weather
Great America is a feather in the wind, watch it flow to and frow
Concerning people on this  occasion, to glow they have to show
In the end, you reap what you sow, it's just that simple you know
Four more years of good or bad crippling, America oh hell so sad
But common sense has not prevailed in America this ship has sail 
Prevailing winds have swept through her mast, OUI it is time to bail
Send for the wise men women or children yes help this nation not to fail
America’s September storm but you be calm, and avoid taking up arms
America’s founders did not mean it this way, but greed is now here to stay
Yet everyone has a say and hides safely behind a bail of hay, then they neigh
America shouts out to North, South East, and West and says to thyself no way
False promises will lead you astray, but beware of wolves in sheep's clothing
A gentle soul this Biden guy avoids pitfalls in America, just let him fly don’t ask why

Into the Mist Poetry Vol 9 
Kenvil Atkins Lewis poet/ for Raw Energy and Timeless Poetry Series


Tags: Love, Faith, Encouraging, Wishful,


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