POISONOUS, HARMFUL, DANGEROUS, UNSAFE, You saw the WARNING SIGNS, but, You was STRICKED like a SNAKE!!! TOXIC, HOSTILE, like being shot from a PISTOL!!! UP, UP and AWAY, into the SKY like a MISSILE!!! she was out-of this WORLD!! she was out of her MIND, You saw a FRIENDLY FACE, but, on truth she wasn't KIND. You wanted to be with her, but, she told you NO. She is made of TOXINS, SHE WILL KILL YOU, now, "GO!!!!" You didn't BELIEVE HER, and you DECIDED TO STAY, Now, HER POISON has KILLED YOU, No more seeing ANOTHER DAY!!! You should HAVE LISTENED, YOU didn't HEED, her WARNING Now, your LOVE ONES are GRIEVING, and are ALL IN MOURNING!!!! B.R. Date: 07/29/2023