I'm just being me, Just being real, I don't need no instruments to signify my significance, I don't need to march with soldiers behind me to show you that I'm militant, On ma guard, I'm always vigilant, When I go I go ! Who gives a F#%* if you're guilty or innocent, It's a New regime, So gesture that pyramid if you're a symbolist, Or keep living in sin and hoping The Lord Almighty will fix everything, Hypocrites, I like to think of my self as an "Urban philosopher" You see in this day an age anything is possible, Where in the age of light ! And it doesn't take a Rocket scientist to see it with binoculars, I'm afraid for my sons, I don't want their journey to end before its begun, I wanna see my boys married and settled with a reasonable income, But the way the world is ! Im afraid for all our little ones, But I'll keep fighting on, I'm the definition of resiliency, "Never give up" I love to live by the term religiously, I never get too comfortable due to the fact I'm not untouchable, But I guarantee the only time you'll see Mr invincible on the shelf is when my mind becomes dysfunctional, Even then you'll need groups of multiples to try take down this Oracle, You'll need a miracle to defeat this methodical phenomenal mythological if you will, Deep psychological scars still, Make of me ! What you will !;)