Pennies from heaven

story by: Roxanne Dubarry
Written on May 28, 2013

Once upon a time, and not so very long ago, a beautiful
angel flying high above the world was serching for a very
special little boy or little girl.

Meantime, on the cold windy rainy streets of Everett Washington a poor raggedy little beggar girl named Angelina,
had blue eyes and hair of gold that curled.

Suddenly, she found lying on the ground, a bright shiny
copper penny that was new. Being a good little girl,
Angelina wondered what should she do?

She heard bells ringing, ringing in her ears.
It was a familiar sound that held no fear.
A Salvation Army's bell ringing was hoping and
praying for even a small donation.

"Please, Mr Bell Ringer, give my penny to the poor and
needy of our fair city,"she nodded her head. She gave
a wishful sigh, and for the last time--closed her eyes.

The paramedics covered her body, and took it away to be buried in an un-marked grave. Not one person was there--
because nobody cared!

The angel flew swiftly to the ground, but nobody could see
that he was around. He reached up to take Angelina by her small hand. She thought that he would carry her away to
her heavenly promise land.

"I have been watching, and waiting for you for the longest time; would you please become a close friend of mine?"
he asked her quietly.

"Remember that copper penny that you found on the ground?
I was wondering about you and what you planned to do."

"I gave my penny to the poor and needy of my fair city,"
she winked her eye and replied.

"I am so glad that you cared! You see, Angelina, I am the
one who put it there!" he exclaimed.

"Would you please become both my partner, and my closet 
friend. We could travel the whole wide wonderful world
over and over again!" He shouted.

"We could shower copper pennies upon the needy little boys
and little girls throughout the entire world!" responded

"We could also shower them upon their parents too,
I am leaving it all up to you..."The angel rested his case.

(Unto this day, my simple tale is sad but true. If you
find a bright shiny new copper penny on the side walk--they gave it to you. And do you know what to do? Give it to the poor and needy of your fair city, village, or  town.

Love in Christ Jesus!
John 3:16-18
Jesus Christ=Eternal Life
Roxanne Lea Dubarry
May 28, 2013
May 28, 2013


Tags: sad, faith, inspirational, encouraging, wishful,


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