A broken heart

story by: Roxanne Dubarry
Written on May 16, 2013

"This happened at church. I was having breakfast
with my friends & apparently passed out.
The fire department wagion was called & I was out
for 10 minutes.

The Doctor asked me where I hurt & I said, "I do not
hurt anywhere." And then I realized that after being 
questioned that I no longer have a broken heart--no pain-
three days. Later no pain. 

I was hurting so bad that God must have felt sorry that
he took my pain away & sent me back with my friends again.
Lots of love,

Virgina is a friend of mine from the Carl Gipson Senior Center located in North Everett. She wears dark glasses,
and cannot use a computer in her own right.
I promised to do the very best I could to make sure
that everyone gets to read and enjoy her works.
As well as my own, of course.

I tried several short story sites, but I got no where.
I was denied access to one, one required payment, and the
other one did not accept my out of date Windows 2008 brower.

Since I do not have internet access, I have to use a joint
computer at Holly Village, where I reside in South Everett.
It is 55+ disabled and senior housing. I am on Section 8
Housing and live alone.

In order to be eligible to live here, a person aged 55-61
has to be as physcially disabled as their 62 year old
counter part. That's why I was able to sign my lease
Novemeber 3, 2011, and my friends, and former ladylady
Kathy helped me move in at no cost to myself.

I moved to Holly Village from a house I was renting from
Kathy. When I first moved in, I moved in with my mother,
Eleanor May Dubarry (born May 30, 1928 deceased June 4, 2007, and my older sister Lynn Ellen Dubarry.

In late 2007, she moved out and I was left alone with
a big red brick two bedroom house in a nice residental
neigborhood. I never got to know my neighbors. I switched
churchs an denonimations from Baptist to Lutheran.
Not too many former Baptists become Lutheran, but I did.
My former church was located in North Everett. Calvary Baptist was its name.

Faith Lutheran Chruch, I started attending in about late
October 2006. They gave mom a nice memorial service
under our former interim pastor, Dick Wendt.
My relatives and friends were there. I will supply more basic information about my background if requested.

I started composing poetry as an adult about 1984 seriously.
Although any thing written before then has been mody likely lost or destroyed. 

I look foreward to submitting submissions to this site.
Although I am mainly a self-taught inspirationa Christian
poet, I also compose non religious poetry. I would also
like to submit shortstories etc.

I will probably submit others writings to this site if it is okay. I can also do what I did with my friend Virgina,
who has to wear dark glasses. Add my submitssions to it.


Tags: happy, sad, faith, inspirational, encouraging,

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Rene Hernandez commented:
Try submitting poetry and short stories to amazon. I have submitted my first short story "Hidden Tears" and also Eber & Wein publishing. Hope this helps!


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