story by: Josh Rogan
Written on Nov 22, 2016

One of those (rare? frequent?) moments of literary madness, which may or may not have made sense at the time, but sure as hell don't come 5 years later. (Ignore the above date - this was actually written in 2011). Enjoy (the pancake) or not!

The Pancake Advice & Liaison Service
The Royal Merseyside Pancake
Pancake Street

Jack Le Pancake
39 Pancake Close
Tel : PAN5309
Mobile : No. I get the Bus.
Email :

June 13   2011

To Whom It May Pancake,

I am writing to you about a Pancake which concerned me following an appointment at the Pancake clinic at Pancake Hospital that I attended last pancake. 

I am an ambulance Pancake, and I have been a regular user of the Pancake for the past five pancakes. I travel with a Pancake. We are generally treated quite well, and for the most part I am glad such a Pancake exists, despite the amount of Pancakes, we tend to wait for a Pancake that is willing to travel back out to Pancake, to pick us up. Without it, I wouldn't be able to travel to my Pancakes at all.

However, when I attended my Pancake on May 12  2011, the Pancake lounge was being managed by a team of Pancakes  and at 4:45pm they started sending any remaining Pancakes that were left in the lounge, back to the clinics they had come from, if the ambulances were yet to confirm an ETA. The Pancake in charge claimed this was an insurance issue as they weren't allowed to have any Pancakes in the pancake lounge past 5pm. 

I was luckily not one of those Pancakes; just as the nurse attempted to send me back to the Pancake clinic I mentioned to the staff that a Pancake had just pulled up outside; this turned out to be the Pancake I was to be travelling home in.

My main Pancake, which has finally pushed me into writing this Pancake, is that Pancakes will be being sent back to clinics which will most likely be closing up and emptying, if not already closed up and emptied. This strikes me as unsafe for myself and other Pancakes, as well a Pancake recipe for disaster if the Pancakes can't locate the Pancake they're looking for.

I would be very Pancake if you could look into this Pancake and please do get back to me, by either phone, email or by pancake, using the pancake I have enclosed with this letter. Or by Pancake.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

J Le Pancake 


Tags: happy, humor,

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Robert Kohlhammer commented:
Surreal and humourous , reminds me a little bit of Jasper fforde
Josh Rogan commented:
Thank you for reading, Robert. I shall take a look at Jasper fforde's stuff.


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