The Nightly Vision

story by: Owen Cullimore
Written on Mar 16, 2014

Some years ago I worked in a factory making Central Heating Units on an assembly line and there were six of us in the team.  Each man had his own job in the procedure and when that was achieved the unit was sent on to the next guy to do his bit. I had been working there for about eighteen months and got to know the others members of the tem quite well especially Larry who was from Poland but had lived in England for many years and spoke good English and understood our culture really well and had a good sense of humour. This particular morning I was paid with Larry to fit the insulation into the units before the main parts were inserted which consisted of fibre with a tin foil backing and would be cut into the necessary shapes required and then glued into place.
At about ten past eight that morning I went across to the stores to ret revive the rolls of insulation required and whilst over there I heard a crash and saw Larry on the ground lying motionless and a few people had witnessed this and were administering first aid, CP3 and the like trying to revive him.
In a short space of time an ambulance arrived and two medical staff were attending to him in earnest. They put him onto a stretcher and took him out to the ambulance and off to the local hospital but unfortunately he was pronounced dead on arrival. A very sad day for us all.
During the day it was the norm al procedure to have a tea break in the morning about ten thirty and in the afternoon about three o’clock and at this time the units which were led down to allow us access to work on and Larry used to sit on ne whilst drinking a cup of tea like most of us. There was generally about six units on the conveyor belt at any given time before they reached the end of the line where they would be fired up by the Roy who tested them to ensure they worked properly before they went on to the warehouse and out to the customer.
It was an American owned company and employed over two hundred people because all the main parts for the units were made in house so there were welders, engineers, spray painters and other shop floor staff as well as over fifty office staff who used to visit the shop floor from time to time. It also used a shift system of employment using three shifts 6 -2  also 2-10 and a night shift 10-6 so that the whole twenty four hours was covered such was the demand for the company’s products.
The main crux of this tale is what occurred after Larry had passed away which hit everyone who worked their hard especially me as we were good work mates and I found it a hard situation to accept.

The third night after the fateful day two men who were working nights and not prone to exaggeration witnessed a strange happening during the night. As they were working on their machines they both looked across to where the units were led down for the next day’s work schedule and they saw Larry sat upon one of the units and startled, they looked at one another and then they looked back and he was gone. Both could not believe their eyes.
This situation happened for a further four nights and by now others had seen the apparition that was visiting where Larry had worked so though it was hard to accept so many eyes cannot lie. It was an upsetting situation for all concerned but by the end of the week the ghostly figure had ceased to appear any  more, perhaps the spirit was now at rest as sometimes with an untimely death these things can occur and quit often do.
The two men who first witness all of this were both of catholic persuasion and certainly not the type of men who exaggerated things or made up stories so one can only believe their account to be true.

What do you think?


Tags: faith, weird,

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A previous user commented:
Yep this was weird and unusually different caught my attention thanks


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