thalia santana


Pets: 2


commented on thalia santana's story entitled, "The Day After The Break Up." on Jul 27, 2016 at 12:50pm.
added a story entitled, "The Day After The Break Up" on Jun 28, 2016 at 12:15am.
updated their information. on .
added a poem entitled, "LIfe" on Jun 27, 2016 at 11:37pm.


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poem by thalia santana

Let memories be memories Let the past be the past You cannot recreate something that isn't there anymore Read more

The Day After The...

story by thalia santana

This is when it's been 24 hours and you're still lying in bed numb. When you fought your hardest when all he wanted to do was walk away like it was nothing. When you we're planing your whole life with him he was just planning his esca... Read more