He took me from my place, and ripped me down below, He took me to that place, just so I would blow, Yes he has a place, and from him I wont hide, His two-headed face, the fall I will embrace... But to she, he has no chance, the one who lets me dance, He'll drag me down below, but she brings the world it's soul She rises up, from the earth, She was once from above, She rises up, from the earth, so we can live, a life that's worth... He'll take me from that place, so i'll cum down below, He'll take me from that place, his two-head charming face, And tonight is his night, tonight I wont fight, I want to bring him up, until we've had enough, But Hades is an asshole, and he'll cum so fast in my holes, So i'll torture him a bit, until I make him fit, Yeah, he took me from my place, and brought me down below, He took me to his place, just so I would blow, Guess what he has a place, and tonight I wont hide, His two-headed face, tonight i'll open wide...