the day after yesterdays tomorrow

poem by: Mike Pender
Written on Jun 15, 2017

The day before yesterday’s tomorrow 

Are just vacations no one got around to go on 
Sun still turning 
Burning your will 
-We’ll just go tomorrow-
 But somehow 
Today was never ‘yesterday’s’ ‘tomorrow’ 
Just ‘todays’ ‘yesterday’ 
And Sometimes;
A day after today’s ‘tomorrow’ 
Keeping track is the day’s unwanted cargo!
 -You’ll dispose of it soon
  One of these tomorrows-
Intentional goods 
Cemented in ‘woulds’
If your ‘want’ wanted to set it aflame 
It probably could…
 So should your ‘could’ have been ‘would’
Making the now ‘was’
And become ‘back then?’
 It should be like describing ‘todays’ yesterday,
As a ‘back when’
Simple procrastination after ‘woulds’ always becomes a past tense.
So let’s make ‘going to’s’ 
Into ‘remember when’s.’


Tags: inspirational, deep, riddle, confused,


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poem by mike pender

The day before yesterday’s tomorrow Procrastination's Are just vacations no one got around to go on Sun still turning Burning your will -We’ll just go tomorrow- But somehow Today was never ‘yesterday... Read more