How Can They Possibly Know?

poem by: John Prophet
Written on Nov 04, 2016

How will it change when we know?
How will civilization be rearranged?
All that we known comes from one place and time,
one little speck in spacetime.
Great religions over eons have arisen telling all how things must certainly be.
But they are just specks on a speck, and knowledge potentially infinite, how much can they possibly know.
Have faith they say and follow our lead, but how much can they possibly know?
They say, we surely know because God has told us so.
What can you say? How can you answer that? If God really told them so.
The problem you see is not all religions agree, seems god’s message is different from one to the next somehow. How can that possibly be?
For the infinite knowledge to be had, and our brain power to process so small, there is no way to know much at all.
Some day and maybe soon our technology may come alive or some others come to say hi. Then everything changes, but no one can really say how.



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Geoffrey Brewer commented:
I share your protest at the arrogance of those who claim to know the name and the nature of God, have a hot line to 'him', but clearly have little awareness of themselves, and others with whom they can communicate. Whe we know more about ourselves, then perhaps we will know about God.


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