My Life

poem by: John Prophet
Written on Nov 04, 2016

How I choose to live my life.
I'm wired at birth, my personality in place.
I'm sculpted as a youth my environment had its say.
The combination of both molded me as artists molds clay.
With all this in place where do I go from here?
What direction in life will I choose?
How much choice do I really have?
Has the deck been stacked before I'm on my way?
Look all around, all types are in play. The complexity of society in full on display.
Can I will myself away from the mold that I am? Am I trapped by the sculptor, my part in the play determined, I have little say.
I believe if I focus real hard, I can fracture the mold get out of its way. I can over come, move in a different direction, and create my own way. 
Genetics and environmental certainly had their say.
I believe I can power thru an creat a better day.
Is it possible, though, I'm just wired this way?




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